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Parent Data Sheets

We felt that a reminder about the half term data sheet would be useful to keep on the website as a guide to what it all means. It will keep you up to date with your child’s attainment (the actual level that they are working at) compared to the expected standards for their age group and progress they have made so far this year. The A.R.E (Age Related Expectations) are set by the Government as the standard expected for children in each year group and are the criteria that your child will be judged against at the end of KS1 (Year 2) and KS2 (Year 6).  The progress figures show how well your child is progressing in each subject. It is expected that children make a minimum of 1 step for every half term, so at the end of the Autumn 2 half term (Christmas)  they should have made at least 2 steps (2 half terms) and at the end of the Spring 2 (Easter) they should have made at least 4 steps (4 half terms).

At Barnfields we use a number and letter system to indicate the child’s current attainment. The number indicates the year group they are in and the letter shows the level within that year group. The letters move through as B, B+, W, W+, S, S+, so if a child is reported as 3B, it indicates that they are working in Year 3 and are at the B stage. Some children will make quicker progress early on and then plateau for a short period of time, others may start slowly and then show accelerated progress towards the end of the year so it is essential to look at the child over the year to judge they have made the expected minimum of 6 steps.


The final column indicates your child’s attitude to learning in each subject on a scale of 1 to 3 (1 requires improving, 2 expected and 3 excellent) this will indicate the effort and learning behaviours that your child demonstrates to that subject on a day to day basis. This is useful to see if your child is trying hard to improve their scores or if they require more effort to improve and is a good point to start discussions with your child around their learning behaviours in school.

We hope you agree that this is a very useful tool enabling you to track the progress of your child more closely and will really help us to work together to support your child’s learning during their time at Barnfields. Should you require anymore assistance with the form please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.