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Subject Leader: Mr Hardwick

Science Intent

At Barnfields, children are taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. Through building up a body of key powerful knowledge and concepts, pupils are encouraged to recognise the importance of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. All children are encouraged to develop and use a range of skills including observations, planning and investigations, enabling them to become enquiry-based learners and to think scientifically.

We are a proud Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) school, which recognises where science teaching and learning is valued and impactful, and where the profile and quality of science is evident across the whole school.


Our Science Approach at Barnfields

The Five Scientific Enquiry Types 

Our ambitious, knowledge-engaged science curriculum enables the children at Barnfields to become scientific experts. Different scientific enquiry types (comparative and fair testing, identifying, classifying and grouping, observing over time, pattern seeking and using secondary resources) are referred to each lesson, thereby allowing the children to understand the strand of science that their lesson focuses on.

When delivering a well-considered sequence of science lessons at Barnfields, we take the dispersed practice approach to promote long-term knowledge retention: teaching through a dispersed sequence of lessons provides children with consistency and allows them to build on their knowledge and skills lesson-by-lesson. Alongside Progression Grids, carefully constructed Medium Term Plans (MTP) are used to inform planning which ensures full coverage, identifying prior and future learning, where children can build on and apply their knowledge to subsequent learning year-on-year. 

Every term, the children learn about a key scientist, enabling them to appreciate how these significant people have affected the world around them. By studying these scientists, children can greater understand the way they can affect their own community.

At Barnfields, we deliver our Science curriculum through six substantive concepts. These are animals including humans; materials; light, sound and space; living things and their habitats; plants, forces and electricity


Science Curriculum Overview