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Welcome to Year 5!

 On this page, you will find some important information about our curriculum this year.

Meet the Team

Mrs Taylor (UKS2 Phase Leader)

Mrs Crosland-Nash (UKS2 Phase Leader)

Miss McCulloch (Year 5 Teacher)

Miss Mobley (Year 5 Teacher)

Mrs Congreave (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Maguire (Teaching Assistant)

We are also supported by Mrs Dixon, Mr Lowe and Miss Manning.

Key Information

Our P.E days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Children are required to come into school in their school uniforms and get changed into their P.E. kits before their lesson. Kits can be left in school for the half-term. Please ensure that all kit is labelled. It would be beneficial that children come to school without earrings on these days if possible. If your child is unable to take part in either sessions, please provide a written note for your class teacher or email the office.

Homework is given out weekly in Year 5. This will normally be handed out on a Monday and needs to be handed back in on the following Monday. There may be the odd exception, but children will be clearly signposted if, for any reason, anything changes. 

All children have an individual login for TT Rock Stars. It is important that children have a secure and quick recall of their times tables as it underpins many mathematical concepts. Little and often is the key! If your child is having any problems regarding logins or passwords, please ask them to speak to their class teacher.

Please encourage your child to read as much as possible outside of school. It would be useful for all children to read a range of genres and authors over the course of the year as this will develop their knowledge and understanding substantially. All children have a reading diary and need to record their reading in this diary. Teachers will check this weekly on a Monday. 

If your child is on Nessy, please ensure they are accessing this as much as possible at home. Little and often is the key. If your child is having any problems regarding logins or passwords, please ask them to speak to their class teacher.

Useful Links for Home Learning

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (

Literacy support for dyslexia that follows the Science of Reading | Nessy

Curriculum in Year 5

Autumn Term 2024

The Autumn Term is a very exciting one in Year 5! We are currently immersed into our learning of the Mayan Civilisation! Children will access a wide range of subjects within their learning. During Reading and Writing sessions, we will be reading Louis Sachar's 'Holes' and a variety of other exciting books that support our focus of the Maya Civilisation. In Maths, our learning focusses on place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. Art will see us produce our own portraits inspired by Frida Kahlo and the Mexican culture.

Spring Term 2025

Year 5 will be learning about the Victorian period in our History lessons, and this will also inform part of our Reading and Writing lessons. Books we read include Berlie Doherty's 'Street Child' and 'The Houdini Box' will stimulate our writing. Maths will see us continue to work with multiplication and division, fractions, decimals and percentages, perimeter and area and statistics. Design and Technology will see us learning about culture and seasonality, baking Victorian cakes for some hungry guests! 

Summer Term 2025

Year 5 will be learning about The British Empire in History lessons, learning about the empire, colonisation, trade, travel and colonies. In Geography, we'll be immersing ourselves into Globalisation and Trade, exploring trade links between the UK and other countries. In Art, Year 5 will be creating a thought-provoking sculpture with a focus on plastic pollution. In Reading lessons, we will be reading Frank Cottrell-Boyce's 'Cosmic' to stimulate our writing. We will also be exploring 'Farther' and 'The Barnabus Project'. Maths lessons will see us undertake learning on shape, position and direction, decimals, negative numbers, converting units and volume. Additionally, we of course have our day trip to Laches Wood Outdoor Education Centre in order to prepare the children for their week-long residential in Year 6! 

Key Dates

During the Spring term, we will be visiting the Black Country Living Museum. Dates and information will be confirmed in due course.

Tuesday 6th May 2025: Trip to Laches Wood Outdoor Activity Centre. Further details will be sent out nearer the time. 

If you have any questions, please contact your child's class teacher through the school office.