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Year 1

Hello, everyone,

Welcome to the Year 1 page. Within this section of the website, you will find useful information to help support your child. This may include information on trips, PE days, homework, timetables and much more.

Meet the team:

Mr Murday (1M)

Miss Dando (1D)

Mrs Stephens, Mrs Staphnill and Miss Turner will support learning across the year group too.

Other members of staff your child may come across:

Mrs Davies (SENCO) and Mr Lowe who takes our P.E. lessons

Key Information:

PE :

This is a crucial part of the curriculum and one in which all children should participate. All children in the school will have two hours of timetabled sport and PE per week. If your child is unable to take part (for a medical reason) please provide a note.

From the start of the Autumn Term, all Year 1 children will participate in two sessions of P.E. Both are on a Friday morning. One is with Mr Lowe and the other is a dance session with Miss Manning.

Please remember that all long hair needs to be tied back and earrings removed. If possible, it would be beneficial that children come to school on days they have P.E. without earrings, please.


All homework is given out on a Thursday. Whilst it is not an obligation to hand it in, we are always happy to see what the children have managed to do at home.

Homework consists of a mixture of maths and English, but are provided in order to consolidate learning. This means that any homework given will be based on what has happened in the lessons and children (in theory) should be able to access it independently. Unless stated, homework should take no longer than an hour per week.  

Please ensure that your children are reading every day for 10 minutes as well. This has the biggest impact on their academic success - 10 minutes reading every day increases their chances of achieving good grades at 16 by 90%.

Curriculum and Learning:

During the Autumn Term, children will access a wide range of subjects within their learning. During English sessions, we look at a variety of different texts, including The Enormous Potato and The Bog Baby. Maths will see children participate in lessons involving place value, addition and subtraction. In our afternoon lessons, we will focus on the Toys and how they have changed through time. We will also be making our own puppets in Design and Technology.

Thank you, and any questions you may have, please contact your child's class teacher through the school office. Alternatively, we are at the school gate most afternoons at the end of the school day.


Year 1 staff


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