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Year 3

Year 3 2024-2025

Welcome to Year 3! All the children have settled into Year 3 really well. We are so excited about our learning this year. Please look on the side tab for some photographs and information about our learning.

On this page you will find some important information about our curriculum this year. If you have any questions or queries, then please contact your child's class teacher.


Year Three Team

Mrs Turton  (Phase leader/Year Three Teacher)

Miss Moorcroft (Year Three Teacher)

Mr Lowe and Mrs Kirkland (Teaching Assistants)


Key Information

  • Homework will be set every Friday and should be submitted by the following Friday
  • TT Rockstars battles will run weekly Monday- Monday. If your child needs a login, let their class teacher know.
  • PE lessons will take place every Wednesday and Thursday. Children must have full PE kit in school on these days. Earrings must have been removed at home or children must be able to take out earrings themselves. 


Important Dates

Tanglewood Trip - 13th September 


Useful Links for Home Learning 

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (

Times tables collection - BBC Teach

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (


Curriculum - Autumn Term 2024

This term, we are travelling back to prehistoric times, where we will be learning about the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Our learning will take us on a journey to incredible places such as Stonehenge and Skara Brae where we will discover how Stone Age people lived. We will be exploring how people used land and about their daily life. In Science, we will discover how rocks and fossils are formed, the permeability of soil and about the marvellous Mary Anning. We will be using our Stone Age learning to support our Reading and Writing lessons too. In Art, we will be finding out about the original cave art paintings and having a go at doing some of our own too!  We look forward to bringing our learning to life in our visit to Tanglewood early in the term.  Our Maths learning will focus on Place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division.

Can you imagine a world without chocolate? We can't! We will be discovering about where chocolate comes from, how it is made and becoming real-life chocolatiers in the classroom. In addition to this, we will be visiting Cadbury World where we will learn about how chocolate makes it from bean to bar. In design and technology, we will be inspired to make our own chocolate packaging ensuring it is fit for the purpose. Our Geography lessons see us study South America, looking at Brazil and the Amazon rainforest in more detail and comparing these with life in the UK. 

It's going to be a busy but enjoyable term and we look forward to inviting you in to celebrate our wonderful children's learning!